You still have time to pack a shoebox and drop it off to your local collection point. For more information on how to do this check out Jamyleth was 8 years old when she received an Operation Christmas Child shoebox in Ecuador. She became a Christian and now volunteers for Samaritan's Purse. You still have time to pack and send a shoebox to an underprivileged child. You can find out more at It's that time of year again to pack a shoe box for an underprivileged child. Check out the Samaritan's Purse website for drop off points. Chelsea Crockett has her own Youtube Channel and website. The content is a mix of Faith and lifestyle pieces. She started her YouTube channel when she was 13. You can read more about her in her interview for Christian Examiner. This video is a recent one of her meeting her sponsor child. I have just returned from a trip to Cambodia to visit our sponsor child and see the work of Transform Cambodia. Transform is a Christian aid organisation that helps children from the poorest slum areas of Phnom Penh. It was my second trip to Cambodia and it probably won't be my last - I love it!
Cambodia is a very poor nation. A lot of the aid work being carried out there is by Christian organisations such as Transform Cambodia. When we help nations like this we identify with Luke 4:18 which was a prophecy by Isaiah about Jesus. We are now Jesus' hands and feet and it's our job to carry out his work on earth. God places a huge emphasis on helping the poor, sick, imprisoned and oppressed in the Bible. Isaiah 1:17 (above) is just one example. You might not think you can do much but here are some practical ways you can help those in need, even though you're still in high school:
World Vision, Compassion and TEAR are Christian Aid organisations working around the world in areas of extreme poverty. You may not have enough money to sponsor a child, but perhaps you can organise a fundraiser and donate the money to one of these organisations. $50 will help three people access clean water and $200 will provide immunisations for 200 babies.
Here are some fundraising ideas:
Thousands of children go without Christmas gifts each year because their families can't afford them. You may not have a lot of money, but perhaps you can afford to buy a toy for an underprivileged child. Acts 2:45 says, They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. The early christians sold some of their stuff so they could give to those in need. You can leave gifts at Target stores around Australia and Uniting Care will distribute them to those in need. Find out more here.
Colossians 4:2 says devote yourselves to prayer. Paul prayed passionately for the churches he planted and visited. We should pray for the church globally. Sometimes it's hard to know what to pray for. Compassion has a prayer partners newsletter you can sign up for with prayer points from around the world. You can sign up here.
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January 2025