What an inspiring story - you're never too young!
The Bible tells us to help the poor and needy and there are plenty of people who have lost everything due to the bushfires in Australia. As a tween or teen you may not feel that you can do much to help the victims of the bushfires but if we all do something small, it adds up to something big. Money is the most useful thing you can give but you probably don't have much of that. Above are some ideas how you can raise some $$$ then donate them to one of the following charities who are providing relief to victims of the bushfires. Make sure you ask your parents first.
Red Cross Salvation Army Vinnies It's that time of year again to pack a shoe box for an underprivileged child. Check out the Samaritan's Purse website for drop off points. The Bible says, Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow (Isaiah 1:17). One way you can do this is by shopping ethically. The 2018 Ethical Fashion Guide is out. You can download a copy here. The guide lists brands available in Australia and rates them according to whether the products they sell have been made by labourers who are children, forced or exploited (not paid enough money to live on). Here are some of the companies that scored a B or above:
ASOS Bonds Cotton On Factorie Industrie K-Mart Lee Rip Curl Target. God places a huge emphasis on helping the poor, sick, imprisoned and oppressed in the Bible. Isaiah 1:17 (above) is just one example. You might not think you can do much but here are some practical ways you can help those in need, even though you're still in high school:
The Mission Australia Youth Survey 2018 is online now. If you are aged between 15-19 years of age, you have until 31st July 2018 to voice your opinions and concerns. Mission Australia is a Christian Community Service organisation that has been working with underprivileged and at risk people of all ages in Australia for 155 years.
World Vision, Compassion and TEAR are Christian Aid organisations working around the world in areas of extreme poverty. You may not have enough money to sponsor a child, but perhaps you can organise a fundraiser and donate the money to one of these organisations. $50 will help three people access clean water and $200 will provide immunisations for 200 babies.
Here are some fundraising ideas:
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February 2025