In Luke 5:30 the Pharisees asked Jesus' disciples, Why do you eat and drink with those tax collectors and other sinners? In verses 31-32 Jesus said to them, Healthy people don’t need a doctor, but sick people do. I didn’t come to invite good people to turn to God. I came to invite sinners. It's important to have Christian friends, but we need to associate with people who don't know Jesus yet as well. That is how they meet him - in us. We should be careful not to judge them - that would make us no different to the Pharisees. We need to see them through God's eyes and remember that he loves them.
Dr Patricia Weerakoon is a Christian sexologist from Sri Lanka who now lives in Australia. She has some excellent things to say about sexuality from a Christian view point. Here are a couple of points from her Science, the World and the Word of God talk on Wednesday night.
I have a confession to make - I love Australian Ninja Warrior. Many of the contestants tried and failed last year. But rather than giving up, they trained harder and came back to try again this year. The Bible has a lot to say about perseverance. Hebrews 12:1 says, And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. The race here is the Christian life. Verse 2 tells that to do this we must keep our eyes on Jesus. And verse 3 encourages us that if we do we won't get discouraged and give up. When you feel like giving up, remember what Jesus endured for your sake. And remember that he is running with you.
In a narcissistic society where everyone thinks the world revolves around them, compassion might be hard to find. According to the Cambridge dictionary, compassion is a strong feeling of sympathy and sadness for the suffering or bad luck of others and a wish to help them. There are several instances in the Bible where Jesus had compassion on people - the lost and the sick. This is more than just feeling sorry for someone. Compassion compels us to action. Jesus didn't just feel sorry for people, he did something for them - he fed the 5000, he healed the sick and ultimately he gave his life for us. Next time you feel sorry for someone, have compassion and see if there isn't something that you can do to actually help them.
If you're in Perth on Friday, 27th July, Dr Patricia Weerakoon will be speaking at Mount Pleasant Baptist Church on the topic of Sex: what's God got to do with it? Patricia is a Christian sexologist who has written several books. I have reviewed two of them on this site, Growing up by the Book and Teen Sex by the Book. The event is free but organisers ask that you register online. It will start at 6:00 with food vans (so bring some $$$). Patricia will be speaking to youth at 7:00 and parents at 8:00. You can find out more and register here.
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