The Open Generation Study in 2022 polled 25,000 young people aged 13-17 years-old across 26 countries. They were questioned about their views on community, the world, faith, the Bible, Christians and Jesus. Here are some stats about Australian teens:
If you do the Math - those who believe that Jesus was raised from the dead AND that Jesus is God in human form, that equates to 138,000 teenagers in Australia who are open to the Gospel. I think we often assume that our friends, peers and neighbours won't be interested in hearing more about Jesus. We also worry about what people will think of us if we share our faith, or that we won't do a good job of explaining it. The first step is to pray for the non-Christians around you. That's a long list, so maybe choose a couple of people to start with. Ask God to show you who to pray for, for opportunities to talk about Jesus, and for wisdom to know what to say.
Ephesians 6:16 says, Hold up the shield of faith to stop the fiery arrows of the devil. Faith is a big deal - it's mentioned 458 times in the New International Version of the Bible. Hebrews 11:1 says, Faith means being sure of the things we hope for. And faith means knowing that something is real even if we do not see it. Faith is trusting in God and in his Word.
Your faith in God stops the fiery arrows of the devil. These arrows come in the form of temptations, fears, anxieties, feelings, and unhelpful thoughts. When these fiery arrows come your way, remember that they are lies and temptations from the devil. Remind yourself of God's truths about who you are in him and how he wants you to live. There are as many different ways to share the good news about Jesus as there are people on the planet. I will be sharing some ideas over the coming weeks if you're feeling a bit stuck. Your faith is like your phone - it needs recharging. You can do this by practicing the spiritual disciplines which are things that help build your faith and bring you closer to Jesus. These include:
Prayer - you can pray to God any time, any place, and in any number of ways. Bible reading - read and study your Bible and unpack what God is telling believers through his Word. Fasting - give up food, technology or something else to spend more time with God. Praise - tell God how much you love him. You can sing it or say it. Fellowship with other christians - go to church or youth group. Confession - talk to someone you trust about the sins you're struggling with. Giving - give God some of your money, time and energy. Serving - help at church or in the community. Gratitude - thank God for all the good things he has blessed you with. Stillness - be still and list to what God is saying to you. Pick one of these things and give it a go today. James 1:12 says, God will bless you, if you don’t give up when your faith is being tested. He will reward you with a glorious life, just as he rewards everyone who loves him. Faith is believing that Jesus died and rose again so that you can enjoy eternal life in God's family. It is trusting that he is in control, even when everything is going wrong.
It's a bit like flying on a plane. When I get on a plane I trust that the pilot knows what he is doing and that the plane has been maintained properly. I trust that, even though the plane is heavy, it will get into the air, stay there, then land safely at the other end. Faith is also trusting that even when there is turbulence and your juice spills and the luggage compartments drop open, you will get safely to your destination. Do you find it easy to have faith when everything is going great but struggle the minute things get a bit bumpy? Trust God that he knows what he is doing. So strap yourself in and enjoy the journey. |
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January 2025