Jesus has been getting squeezed out of Christmas by an elderly, overweight man in a red suit, reindeer, candy canes, turkeys, puddings, presents and parties. We have to make a deliberate effort to put Christ back in Christmas. Here are just five examples - there are plenty more.
I keep a Sentence A Day entry in my prayer journal each day. It's often a Bible verse or quote from my devotional reading or something that I think God is trying to tell me. Here are some prompts if you need inspiration. You can download a printable PDF below. Someone once told me that a good test of whether something is true or worthwhile is to ask, "Does it give glory to God?" If you're not sure whether a particular theology or idea is true, ask yourself if it gives glory to God? If it does, it's probably true. If it doesn't, then it's probably a bit dodgy. For example, some people argue that the world was literally created in six days while others suggest that it is symbolic. It gives God more glory if it was literally six days so I'd rather err on that side of the argument.
If you're not sure whether to do something or not, ask yourself, does it give glory to God? If it makes God look good - go for it. If it doesn't make God look good, you might want to rethink your actions. For example, you're not sure whether to join in the underage drinking at a party or not. If you drink you're no different to everyone else and may make some poor choices as a result. But if you don't drink, you give God glory by doing what's right and being prepared to stand out from the crowd. This is funny and true. Just because you are young doesn't mean that you can't volunteer at your church. The church I attend has teen helpers in the children's church and a teen worship band. I'm sure there are plenty of other ways you can help too. Ask your youth pastor how you can help at your church.
Life is so busy for most people that we have forgotten how to be still and reflective. Here is a Christian meditation to help you hand your worries over to God. |
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September 2024